Magpuls MOE handguards are some of the most robust and durable pieces of plastic you can slap on your rifle or carbine, but they forgot one thing….
Where do we mount a sling? I mean, like a good spot? What? You want me to pay $18 dollars for your name brand MLOK mount!
WECSOG Skills ACTIVATE!!!!!111
A hole. A single hole. I cracked the system. I wrote the code. I out-played you Magpul.

Step 1. Gather supplies.

Step 2. Use supplies. De-burr hole with round file and or pocket knife.

Step 3. Tie a loop of para-cord off with a knot, melt knot, and smash it flat. Insert loop from inside of handgard.
Wrapping Up:
Thank you for visiting the most important sling post I will make as of June 2019. The MOE hand-guards lack good sling placement, and instead of making a fuss or drilling for QD mounts, I chose to WECSOG my way into proper sling placement. If it does’t hold up, I will re-tie another loop, melt it, smash it, and replace it. A near infinite sling swivel for the cost of practically nothing.
Lothaen Out.
Coming soon:
Review: Holosun “Gold Dot” Sight.
Article: The Fixed Stock Carbine.
Review: Magpul MOE ZHUKOV stock
Oh yeah, better yet you drill two holes and loop it around said two holes on the inside of the handguard. Now there’s no chance of pull-throughs. Just make sure said two holes aren’t too close together, or the plastic bit might pull through instead.