Off to Texas where hopefully I can find, or build, or travel to some quality shooting facilities and meet some shooters. Blog posts will be sparse for about another month! Get some good range time in everyone!
Written by lothaen
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(Update: see the comments for an update on this case. Thank you Jbob for keeping us informed as to the…read more →
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Water. If things get hot, you need to be able to move to and fro and have your basic needs…read more →
Best of the West for the Austin area, ETTS for North Texas! Fantastic facilities.
Enjoy your trip.
Send post cards .. or blog posts.
Welcome to Texas!!! If your in the Houston area there are plenty of facilities!!
Glad to have you in Texas
Welcome to Texas.
Though maxed at 200 yards, the Austin Rifle Club is a great range and super cheap for those who shoot a lot vs pay per trip… Also, the only range in the Austin area where I don’t feel as if my safety is in jeopardy due to stupidity…